🕴️ Business behemothsThe July 2024 Estimation Game

3 days, 13:34:21 remaining

  • Answer 10 questions to train your estimation skills
  • Play solo or team up with friends
  • See how your scores compare on the leaderboard
  • Estimate based on your knowledge - don't look things up online


💯 Extreme numbers

The August 2024 Estimation Game

Sat Aug 24 2024 - Sat Aug 31 2024

Starts in 27 days, 13:34:21


🌞 Midsummer

The June 2024 Estimation Game

🏹 The history of war

The May 2024 Estimation Game

🕳️ Holes in the ground

The April 2024 Estimation Game

🏥 Health and poverty

The March 2024 Estimation Game

🧙‍♂️ Open Sourcery

The February 2024 Estimation Game

🦠 Pandemics

The January 2024 Estimation Game

💡 Effective altruism

The December 2023 Estimation Game

🤖 Artificial Intelligence

The November 2023 Estimation Game

🚚 How the world works

The October 2023 Estimation Game

🖊️ Extremely productive people

The September 2024 Estimation Game

💣 Oppenheimer & the Atomic Age

The August 2023 Estimation Game

🌏 Big picture history

The July 2023 Estimation Game

🐣 Animal welfare and alt proteins

The June 2023 Estimation Game

⚾ General Knowledge

The May 2023 Estimation Game

🏀 General Knowledge

The April 2023 Estimation Game

🏈 General Knowledge

The March 2023 Estimation Game

⚽ General Knowledge

The February 2023 Estimation Game